So we’ve done some fun music videos in the past…somehow all involving my dad with his top off (don’t ask!), but this time around, we’ve shone the spotlight on someone else.
Mega-talented artist Drega uses All I Know to share a journey about growing up in Brampton, and ultimately, hopes for the next generation. Here’s his take on what he wanted to express through this song:
I wrote this song from the perspective of the brown kid growing up in Brampton in response to the xenophobe who wonders why we stick to ourselves and why we don’t just become more like them. But rather then make it an “us vs them” thing as is so often the case in the media, I wanted to bring us all together to see the commonalities we all share, particularly, hope for all our children’s future.
It was great having the opportunity to use our creative juices in a new way by producing this music video with a message – we couldn’t have picked a better artist to work with!
To download the song:
All I Know on Spotify: http://bit.ly/alliknowspotify
All I Know on iTunes: http://bit.ly/alliknowitunes
For more on Drega:
Until the next post,
Joanie x