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the blog

Our new website is here!

henjofilms website

My goodness! After some blood, sweat, and tears, we are finally unveiling our new website! We’ve been working very hard behind the scenes designing a layout that makes your browsing experience that much better when visiting Ultimately, we wanted our visitors to have an easier time navigating our mobile site (everyone’s on their phone these days!) and we’re very happy to say that our website is now responsive to all devices. There isn’t a special design designated just for phones! You’ll see what we mean once you start exploring! Just as importantly, we wanted visitors to be able to access our videos more easily, because that’s what we’re in the business of. They are now front and centre on every page. Lastly, we wanted our blog posts to be more accessible for visitors because our old site buried a lot of our content. We have built up so much stuff over the years, and we want you all to see it!

Hopefully you feel we were able to accomplish what we set out to do! This is still a work in progress, so check back for updates as we continue to find ways to improve the user experience!

When you have a chance, take some time to peruse and browse around the site. Watch some videos, read the blog, and leave us some comments/feedback! We would love to hear what you think!

Thanks again for all your support! All of our lovely couples and followers are the reason we continue striving for the best in what we do. Our 2016 wedding season has been going fantastic so far, and we can’t wait to share new videos with you soon!

Until the next post,
Joanie x