the blog

Is it nearly March already? Happy Anniversary Henry!

Henjo’s first picture taken together (in Kenting, Taiwan)

For the past 7 years I would ask myself the same question on this date, “seriously, is it friggin’ March already?” February 28th is henjo’s anniversary – a huge reason to celebrate! It also marked a day in the year where I was dumbfounded by how two months could’ve flown by in such a blur. Then, without fail, I would do this silly little thing of calculating the years since Princess Diana’s death (because I clearly remember that date and where I was etc. etc.), and basically scare the living daylights outta myself…”1997? 1997?!” I would say louder and louder…and now, it’s been nearly 16 years…O.M.G.

I’ve been crazily MIA on this blog and on Facebook because I’ve been hibernating. Hibernating and trying to do useful things related to my wedding, editing, working on new corporate projects, and furnishing a new home. Henry’s been a big help…well maybe not so much on the wedding side of things OR the furnishing of our new home side of things…but everywhere else, he’s been super productive 🙂

I thought I would get back on the blogging horse and share some of my wedding planning related adventures along the way that might help some of you out. As I’m figuring it out, hopefully it will help you stay two steps ahead of me!  For my next post, I will be writing about my wedding dress…I bought it online! GASP! Trust me, I must’ve had a couple of meltdowns while waiting for that thing to arrive in the mail…stay tuned to see if I was happy or wishing I just forked out the cash!

Until the next post,
Joanie x

PS – HAPPY 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY to my lovely Henry!